Why am I on the Internet this early? You might ask. Well, it's actually an hour later here, so it's after eight. And also Rose is still sleeping and I decided to make us breakfast. Nothing special. I didn't big much more than muffins and bread. But what I learned yesterday was one; never use a laptop in mid air, even if it's strapped to you. And two; don't always give into what Rose would like. Just because she beg you to death using the face...the same one she used when she was younger and she wanted me to do something I didn't want to. The reason why we were held up so long in central time is because we took a stop at the Indiana dunes! When the rain passed and we were flying, she spotted the beach and said "Let's go there!" I've been there many times, but what the use of going there now? If we're in a hurry to make it to New York then why stop for anything other than food and pit stops?
When we were there she complained I was being paranoid and had nothing to worry about. Shae-yeah! Like, yeah right? What do you know about what I have to worry about? What if someone here is gonna turn into a wolf-man or lizard creature? What if they turn invisible and pop up from behind your back and say "Boo"? Then I start feeling eyes watching me, staring at me. I'm like, what? Do I have something on my face? Of course not. It's just one of those bad feeling I get before something bad happens. I was standing on top of a dune...sand in my sneakers. Rose was fooling around with plants. No one was up there with us. Then I heard a hissing sound. I thought: must be a sand snake? Do those even live around here? No! Then something grabs my ankle in the sand...starts pulling my down. I'm wait down in the sand and I'm crying help. Finally Rose is back in her own mind and pulling me as best as she can. (She's stronger than me ya know?) After I'm not buried alive anymore, we decided to take off ASAP. I didn't want to be stuck on the un-solid sandy ground for one more moment! Rose must be pooped cause that was a lot of work, and she's not used to flying long distances at high altitudes, to all of this excitement took a lot out of her. We were gonna take a detour through Michigan, but not after that little incident! We're almost to Ohio anyways, then we hit Pennsylvania and who knows! We may be in New York by night fall! Breakfast is ready (it's been ready, I was just on the computer and didn't want to be disturbed by the whinny/annoying 14 year old tag along) Better wake little (lol) Rosie up!
That's all really! :P
P.S. Oooh....she's gonna kill me for that comment! She check this blog too and I'm gonna leave it for the purpose of your entertainment!
P.P.S. Here's a pict I took in Chicago...and I cropped the pict a bit. But you can see a little dot in the clouds...may remind you of a flying bird kid? Well it's not! It was a seagull the ended up in the shot somehow!

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