Talk to Angels on the Run!

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Friday, June 22, 2007


I got this great suggestion to use a cbox on my blog for instant chatting. But you may have to refresh to see new posts.
As for Subway, I told them to use their own money. I'll buy myself a chicken teriyaki sub. I love chicken teriyaki too much.
And, as for the rain...yeah! I hate it, still! It must of been bad last night in Chicago too! There was a big line of storms coming through on the weather channel's Doppler. At least with the rain pouring, you could sneak a shower. I could use one. Magic can't fix it all the time. I still feel groggy. Being stuck in a library can do that!
It's been weird that we haven' been attacked in a few day. Dan's starting to get suspicious.
And today is one day closer to my computer hiases! Rose wants to post for me, but maybe I can talk her into giving it up too. ;)


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