I'm glad to get some stuff off my shoulders. (seeing that wings are enough to carry, plus my back pack)
Okay. Seeing as to how I'm starting to get now where by staying in Chicago again, and who knows how many evil beings might still be here, I may as well, once again take off to find the other again. We can sorta be a flock! I wanna go back to New York and find Skye and Gail again. I had a bad dream last night that they might be attacked buy this lizard-wolf creature, not the same Eraser-like wolf creature that I've been chased by a few times. I'm really scared for them.
More about them, well they told me that the day before the escaped the orphanage that Gail was going to be adopted by this couple. She thought the man was evil. Gail didn't want to be split up from her sister so she got mad and all of a sudden the wind got strong and there was lightning outside. The wind practically blew the windows out. Skye said that when Gail gets mad she creates storms. You know, Gale storms. No wonder why she's named Gail. And Skye, she can control clouds and the wind too. They also have wings. Skye's are white with blue and gray splotches and Gail's are white and tinted blue. We slit up again because we were going to look for the others. I'm assuming that they're probably still near New York, and maybe even in the states close by. Jersey city is right near New York City. (New York city is where they're orphanage was) They could be in New Jersey or Delaware. Even in New England. I'm not sure why I haven't gone out East or West or where ever to looks for others, but I feel they're might be another one in Chicago, or they're used to be. That was much hunch about my friend. (which I will give you her name as soon as I feel it is safe)
Seeya around!!! Who knows, maybe you'll see me flying over your house!
P.S. Gail reminded me soooooo much of Angel! She was so secretive and quiet, and sweet....angelic. She looked like angel too. Oh yeah, she could also read minds and control them! That's probably why. Her hair was curlyish blond. But her wings were not white as angels though. Bye again! :)
P.P.S. Look at this pict! I made it out of a picture of a painting I did a while back. It was Max blowing up the school! But now it's for MR3.

Around Jersey? That's where I live. I'll keep an eye out for them. ;)
Around Jersey? That's where I live. I'll keep an eye out for them. ;)
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