Hi! Have any of you actually see the MR commercial on TV? It looks cool. I think it's weird that they show her eyes blue in here, but I was voting for Amy Rose. She does look mostly like I picture Max. But in the commercial she's wearing make-up. I like that picture up there because it looks more realistic. I have done that before. I stood at the top of a big building in Chicago and I flew off into the night sky. But if it were my choice, I'd make the commercial actually relevant to the story of the book. I mean, c'mon! When is she standing on a building or is there soldiers coming out of a van like that? They should shoe her at the school or her in Germany with the Director! Let's hope they don't mess us the movie like this. (Keep clicking! Only a couple ten-thousand to go!) Make Hollywood listen to kid who read the book. Make them listen to real winged kids like us! We want a movie with the Characters all correct and the plot too! So let's make sure of that.
Okay, and even more importantly, help save the world! Kids can make a difference by organizing clubs and such to clean the environment and save endangered animals. What Itex had in for them was not the answer. I agree with Fang on this one. We can help. I want to help, but Crystaralight needs saving, and I'm still on my mission: To find the others, find a way back to my planet and get after the Dark lord! We need a army and power.
So whose with me?
The blogger Arella is Princess Elara of Celestina. AND WE'RE GONNA MEET HER!!!!
I like your title and i like being random!!!
I'm the blogger Arella! :D
Maybe we can meet on Friday in the Allegany State Park. That's where I am now, so it will be easy for me to find it. 6 PM EST time okay? In one of the first trees you see when you get there. You'll now it's me by the fact I have a sunstone amulet and I'm in a tree. And I have huge wings, that will help too. :D
- Arella/Elara
cool, and randomness rox!! i always pictured max with brown eyes... no 1 really knos wat her real eye color is...
oh, btw, u guys rn't alone....
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