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Monday, November 5, 2007

Scary time

We had such a scary night. We went into McDonalds for a break from flying, and Gail, Star and Skye were in the toilets. Tara heard some screaming and thought it was Gail, so she ran in, and Arella followed. And then I heard some MORE screaming, so, uhm, I followed. And Rose went too. I won't go into the details 'cuz you probably don't want to hear them (I posted them on my blog anyway...well, some of them) but basically: Four Erasers. The whole Flock. Punch-punch-kick-slap-fight-fight. One Eraser down. Fly up through the roof. Come back down to McDonalds. All Erasers have vanished. Eat our fatty food. Continue our journey.
Now THAT, my friends, is the most EXCELLENT summary I've ever heard!! Or....nawt. XDD, anyway, when we continued flying, Rose was like, "This day was....interesting." and I was like, "Uhm, yeah. This day was also...." and Arella cut me off with "THIS DAY WAS WEEEEIRD!" Not surprisingly, we all agreed. ^^
Being a member of the Flock is SO fun. I wonder what'll happen next? I'm good with excitement but please, universe, DON'T make me nearly lose my french fries again!!
Chrissie xx


Aura said...

Could Star Please Post? It's really important!!!!!!

Where are you guys? We seriously need to find you, if anything to give you this book. And so Amber can tell Star something. Which she will post on my blog because she thinks it's very important! I think it's kind of insensitive, but we're running out of options. So are you, whether you like it or not.

Aura, fighting for freedom and against the end of the world

Chrissie said...

Uhm, what book? We, lyke, need to know XD. Please tell us!
At the moment, we've actually come back to Kansas for a bit of a rest. Where are you?

Aura said...


Read The Blog. And you will find out what book I am talking about. Read all the posts. It is not that hard.