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Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hi! It's Chrissie here, and I know I'm not meant to be posting until morning, but I just HAD to put this. XDDD I'm really bored.
I know you won't see this message, but I can't WAIT to meet you guys! I know you're already on your way (I know that because, uhm, I sense it. o_0) and I'm here waiting in NJ. I can't wait till you get here.
I just heard a bang outside. I dunno, it's probably just some kid kicking a trash can or something. Lemmee go check...
Uhm. It was this drunk dude and he gave me an old lemonade bottle. -_-
Not that you can get drunk on lemonade. But maybe it had, like, beer or something in it? Whatever. I don't really give a shizzah. XDD. I loviez that expression! YAY shizzah! BTW, don't ask me what a shizzah is, because I'm telling you, I don't know.
But I can't wait till you get here. I'm looking forward to it! And you better not be a creepy Eraser thing, because if you are, GAAAHI'LLKICKYOURBUTT!!
Chiou! (is that how you spell it?)
Chrissie xx

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