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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Me and Sara (Star)

Yo, Dan da Man is here!

It's true. I do like Star. I like her ALOT!!! She's not only beautiful, but she's's her personality. She makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. When we really was magical. I felt a spark. Something inside of me told me this was real. That one day I protected her from the storm, I just wanted her to be safe. I'd do anything for her. Even climb a mountain without using magic, just for her.
Her last post down there, I agree with. I'd make her my Queen. But this isn't just royal love. When we first met when she ended up in Crystaralight, I was too nice to her sometimes and blushed too. I tried to hide it behind my manliness. And I was trying to set a good example for my brother too. And Skye and Gail came into the picture...and. Not much more I could say.

But is Anillares shows up I will destroy her. If she comes online, I'll send a shock wave to what ever computer she may be using. If she does so much as lay a finger on Star (or my brother, Nails? You have to be kidding! Is he really that talkative?) she's already deader than her black heart.

Anyways, we are in Thunderia and trying to go see my parents. See if they can help me. All the telepathic and other ways of communication to them are down! I hope they're okay! They were holding up pretty well when I left, unlike Star's parents which disappeared a long time ago. I think I should teach Star how to address a Queen and King. She's sorta....rude-ish sometimes. But that's cause she's lived her life in the informal suburbs of the United States.


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