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Monday, January 7, 2008

Day Two in Confinement

I'm starving. I did find a plate of stale bread though....but I need more food than that. I do have some candy in my pockets and my water bottle with me. I guess I have to ration everything and wait. Last night my candle burnt out, and I didn't want to run my laptop's battery on over drive.
I remembered the crystal I found the other day. Guess what??? It glows! It's like a miny flash light, which is good since my miny flashlight's battery is dead. This makes my wonder...can it help me use magic in this place? Let's see! I felt a bit of a tingle. Nothing much. But this little crystal helps a bit. And the only way I can stay not-lonely is by chatting on the Internet. Darkstar's still hasn't harassed me on the cbox today. I'm tired, so I'm gonna go back to sleep. I'm glad I still have my stuff with me. Maybe Darkstar has a heart in her body, somewhere. Update you on the progress tomorrow!

Staying positive,

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