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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Arella's gone, and now we have Dannii.

Star here.
I'm finally posting again. Still made about rose getting caught, and Arella's abduction days ago. But it's strange...
We got a new member. Her name is Dannii....I guess even Crystarians can have similar name. (You'll see)
This is so weird. So, so weird. I mean, how was I supposed to know? How was I supposed to know that DANNII was something more than just a human? She had these weird white line on her back. Not that it looked like a skin disease, or wings even. But they were. Wings, I mean. I'll tell you what happened now....................
We were all just sitting in a tree. Me and Dan had knocked out the guard. At least, we thought we had....

We were talking about how Andrea and Ky had just grabbed Dannii and dragged her up through the It was funny.
But anyway, suddenly there was rustling in the leaves, and the guard jumped into the branches where we were sitting, and knocked us to the ground. We stared up at him. He suddenly just blasted us with darn sharp stones!! We all jumped out of the way, and he took another shot. Suddenly, we heard a screech from Dannii's direction....
Dannii ran in front of us. She shoot this crystal-light stuff out of her palms! It hit the guards and they fell out of the tree. Then she was a shock to her I guess. And as she hit the ground, wings sprouted from her back. What more CAN I say? Nothing. That's it.


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