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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update while it Pours

It's pouring. Lots of rain. We've been lazy the last few days. I hate flying in the rain, so I'm not gonna do it. So, we're stuck here unless it lets up.
I know, I promise I'll let some one else post soon. Maybe Rose or Dan or someone. I'm such a computer hog, I know.

We have to start looking for another portal. As Dan suggested, there's one in some ccave in South Dakota. There's one in Michigan somewhere too. Probably other further away, but I don't wanna go to too much trouble. I doubt any of them will work. (I know, I'm being to pesimistic)

On the bright side, Haley G is making us an updated flock drawing. She knows our descriptions by now. She said she's putting Andrea in the drawing even if she's not part of us anymore. She told me that she enjoys doing art for us, since we don't have a camera. I swear, her art sometimes seem psychic. She does extra stuff without me telling her. She's very accurate sometimes.

Other news.....the news online said there's a deadly swine flu in New York, kinda like the avian flu, so we're not going to New York.

It's lightning and thundering a lot here, and I'm scared. I know Dan will protect me. He always does. I love him.


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