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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Storm Granade? Who's Idea Was This Anyway?

Aden and Dan were board one day and Aden had this idea. Could they make some sort of magical granade? They're words were: We got this idea to make dark creatures back off! A thunder and Lightning bomb!
And so they made one....and we held on to it. Then one night we were attacked by a couple dark creature (2 Lupines) and they grabbed the bomb and threw it at then as we all retreated.
Both the wolves are dead. The explosion was hudge, loud and overly powerful and now they made a smaller granade that won't light the whole forest on fire. (Kyana and Rose workeded together to stop the fire)
But the granades were supposed to make it easier, and they were a waste. And I rather use my own magic anyway.


P.S. Spell check doesn't work on the blog anymore for me. What the heck? I can't spell!!!

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