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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I My Life Was a Movie...

Then I'd probably skin the boring day-after-day traveling we've been doing!

I swear, it sucks to only be able to travel by foot during the day. I bet only Andrea can handle this heat.
Here's our new plan to get to Night Lake:
Sleep in caves or safe areas during the day. Fly during the night. Use the sky like a map, and we'll know it when we see it.
(Better than walking)
What are the dangers of doing that? Not like we'll pick a cave with bears or monster in it. Maybe a small and shadey cave. It doesn't get colder than 75oF during the night (I'm estimating) so we don't have to worry about freezing! We'll be flying. It's about the same in the shade. And it's dry.

So that's a wrap!


Credits: *sings* If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy and I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with and in the end we'd be laughing watching the sunset fade to black, show the names, play that happy song...yeah.

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